Daily Mom: 22 Of The Best Gifts For New Parents To Make Life Easier

RAPTbaby Smarter Sleep Sound Machine

Sound machines are essential for newborns, but the neuroscientist who designed the RAPTbaby machine, Dr. April Benasich, is passionate about educating parents that white noise is not the safest option for their children, therefore leading her to create the Smarter Sleep Sound Machine. 

This wonderful device has eight soundtracks to select from that are all composed of sleep-enhancing alpha waves and sleep-promoting delta waves. It essentially helps your little one go to sleep quickly and stay in a deeper sleep. Not to mention the subtle acoustic waves that help support cognitive growth. All around, it’s a win-win for all! With a portable design that is easy to travel with, this is one of the best gifts for new parents. It also has auto-timers and a rechargeable battery to add to its list of features.