Moving an Entire Generation of Children up the Cognitive Curve
RAPTbaby™ is RVI’s children’s division. Using more than two decades of clinically validated research, it creates products that support the development of young brains, focusing on auditory processing and language formation. Our intent is to put the power of leading edge developmental neuroscience into the hands of parents and caregivers who can, for the first time, use it to deliver cognitive benefits to the children in their care.

Bringing Neuroscience Into the Nursery
How Babies Become Language Learners

RAPTbaby Products

Smarter Sleep Sound Soother
Unlike most sound machines, Smarter Sleep was designed with the recognition that even while babies are sleeping, their brains are active. The Smarter Sleep sound machine incorporates patented auditory sequences into soothing melodic and other background tracks to help the infant brain do its job of paying attention to environmental sound changes while the baby sleeps, allowing the infant to become more proficient at the rapid auditory processing that is so vital to the development of the brain’s linguistic circuitry. By providing that experience, the Smarter Sleep soother is more supportive of brain development than sound devices which are not designed to encourage the brain to pay attention to sound changes and potentially limit the very important brain-building the baby should be engaging in, even at night.